TestComplete vs UFT

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TestComplete and UFT (Unified Functional Testing) are the main automated testing methods for software application testing. While they both serve the same goal, some variations exist between them. Let's compare TestComplete with UFT based on the following criteria:


Licensing and Company:


TestComplete: SmartBear Software is the creator and marketer of TestComplete. It is available in both commercial and trial versions.


UFT: Micro Focus (previously Hewlett Packard Enterprise) developed and commercialized UFT. It is a paid tool and a license is required.


Types of Functionality and Tests:


TestComplete: TestComplete supports several different forms of testing, including functional testing, regression testing, data-driven testing, distributed testing, mobile testing, and more. It includes comprehensive capabilities for testing desktop, web, and mobile applications.


UFT: UFT also supports other types of testing, such as functional testing, regression testing, data-driven testing, API testing, and others. It has support for online, desktop, mobile, and client-server applications.


Programming Languages:


TestComplete: TestComplete supports various scripting languages, including JavaScript, Python, VBScript, and C#Script. This gives testers with diverse programming language preferences more options.


UFT: UFT's scripting language of choice is VBScript. It employs a keyword-driven testing technique, allowing testers to build tests without substantial programming experience.


Environment for Test Development:


TestComplete: TestComplete is an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that is easy to use and intuitive for test development, management, and execution. It has test recording, script editing, object recognition, and test debugging capabilities.

UFT: UFT also includes an extensive IDE for test development. Its integrated development environment (IDE) provides capabilities such as test recording, keyword-driven testing, object repository, step-by-step debugging, and test result analysis.


Ecosystem Integration:


TestComplete: TestComplete interacts nicely with various development environments and CI/CD systems. Popular frameworks, version control systems, and bug-tracking tools are all supported.


UFT: UFT interfaces with various development environments and CI/CD systems. It integrates well with ALM (Application Lifecycle Management) solutions such as Micro Focus ALM and JIRA.


Community and Help:


TestComplete: TestComplete provides an active user community where users may seek assistance, share knowledge, and debate testing-related issues. SmartBear offers licensed users technical support.


UFT: UFT has a sizable user base and provides help through forums, knowledge bases, and official documentation. Micro Focus offers licensed users technical assistance.