Difference between C and C++

Today, we will explore the key differences between two renowned programming languages: C and C++. Understanding the distinctions between these languages is crucial for developers, as it helps in selecting the appropriate language for specific projects and tasks. We will explore their features, paradigms, and use cases to gain a comprehensive understanding of how they differ and where each language excels.




Developed ByDennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson developed the C language between 1969 and 1973 at AT&T Bell Labs. Bjarne Stroustrup developed the C++ language in 1979, with the first official release in 1985.
IO Libraries

<stdio.h> stands for Standard Input Output header. It is used in the C programming language to handle input-output operations.

<iostream> stands for Input Output Stream Header. It is used in the C++ programming language to handle both input and output operations.

No. Of Keywords

C programming has 32 keywords, such as int, if, else, return, while, etc.

C++ programming has 91 keywords, including bitand, const, continue, etc. 


The file extension used for the C programming is .c.

The file extensions used for C programming are .cc and .cpp.

IO Methods

Scanf() is used for input operations and Printf() is used for output operations in C programming.

Cin is used for input operations and cout is used for output operations in C++ programming.

Operator Overloading

C programming does not support operator overloading.

It supports overload function and it is a key feature of C++ programming. 


In C programming, data is less secure due to manual memory management, absence of built-in data encapsulation, lack of type safety, vulnerabilities to buffer overflows, and limited standard library support. 

In C++ programming, data is more secure than in C due to its object-oriented programming features like encapsulation, data hiding, access specifiers, and operator overloading.


C programming is considered a core language because it follows the procedural paradigm, prioritizing efficiency and control. Its long-standing legacy and compatibility reinforce its foundational role in programming.

C++ is recognized as an object-oriented programming (OOP) language widely appreciated for its strong support of OOP principles and features.

Inline Function

C programming does not support inline functions using the inline keyword, as supported in languages like C++, are not available.

C++ supports inline functions using inline keywords.

Adopted By

C programming language is employed by various prominent technologies and industries, including Oracle Database, Telegram Messenger, Mozilla Firefox, scientific computing, and numerous others.

Google Chrome, Torque 3D game engine, Microsoft Office, and various other applications utilize C++ programming language in their development.