Cypress Get Width and Height of Element

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You may use Cypress's invoke() and then() functions to access the DOM properties to get the width and height of an element.

describe('Automating The Keypress Of Zero Site',()=> {
   it('visit the site ',()=>{
       cy.get('#edit-name').then(($element) => {
           const width = $element.width();
           const height = $element.height();
           cy.log(`Width: ${width}`);
           cy.log(`Height: ${height}`);
  • The cy.get() command obtains the element, and then() allows you to do extra things with it once it's available.
  • $element represents the actual DOM element wrapped in a jQuery object within the then() callback. 
  • The width and height values can then be obtained using the.width() and.height() functions supplied by jQuery.
Cypress Get Width and Height of Element