Prerequisite for Selenium WebDriver

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In this article, we shall see what is required as a prerequisite for selenium webdriver.

Table of Contents

  1. Prerequisite for Selenium WebDriver Setup
  2. Prerequisite to Learn Selenium WebDriver

Prerequisite for Selenium WebDriver Setup

Mandatory Installations

  1. Java (JDK)
  2. IDE: Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA or VSCode

Optional Installations

  1. Maven Command Line
  2. Gradle
  3. Jenkins
  4. Allure Command Line
  5. Selenium IDE
  6. Git Command Line

Prerequisite to Learn Selenium WebDriver

Must Learn

  1. HTML - Basic Knowledge
  2. Java - Core Java Knowledge

Basic HTML and Core Java knowledge is required to work with Selenium. To become an expert you should learn SQL, Cucumber, JUnit, TestNG, Maven, Jenkins and report integration with Extent or Allure.