Install Composer Windows 10

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There are several methods of installing composer on Windows operating system. The easiest way to get Composer set up on your machine is using installer. Follow below steps to install it:

Steps to Install Composer on Windows 10

Step 1: Navigate to

Step 2: Click on Getting Started

getting started with composer installation on windows

Step 3: Click on Using the Installer link

Step 4: Click on Composer-setup.exe link, download will start.

Step 5: Select install mode: Install for all users

Step 6: You can select developer mode to take control and just install composer. An uninstaller will not be included.

Step 7: It will auto detect your php version. You can change php version by clicking on browse.

Step 8: It will create php.ini file, you can opt-out if you want

Step 9: Then you can choose proxy if you want for that you need to enter proxy url

Step 10: You can review your settings and click on Install

Step 11: It will provide you information about what to do if composer not detected

Step 12: Select view documentation if you want to then Click finish.

Step 13: Type below command in command prompt to check for composer version.

$ composer --version