Benefits of Appium

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Appium is one of the best tool for Mobile Automation,  Below are several advantages of Appium:

  • Open Source: Open Source and Free which is easily downloadable from GitHub. You can contribute to it easily. Appium having a large and open community makes it easier for new automation engineers to clarify their doubts.
  • Cross-platform solution: Appium supports JSON wire protocol. An HTTP server waiting for commands and using standardized JSON manages the WebDriver sessions, so no worries about language or platform restrictions. It provides cross platform solution for native and hybrid apps. Same test cases will work on multiple platforms. Using the same API, Appium will allow you to write tests that are against mobile platforms. Appium drives GUI-related widgets and controls, allowing the same scripts to run for different software versions of various apps. Appium supports Safari on iOS and Chrome or the built-in ‘Browser’ app on Android.
  • Programming Language Support: Support following programming languages: Java, Ruby, C#, PHP and Python. Hence, a tester has option to write test scripts in his preferred programming language.
  • Types of App Automation: Support for Native, Web and Hybrid app. It enables testers to automate native mobile apps for iOS, Android, and Windows Mobile through the WebDriver protocol. 
  • Selenium WebDriver and Grid: Compatible with Selenium Webdriver and Grid.
  • Code Recompilation: Appium enables testers to evaluate both native and cross-platform mobile apps without altering or recompiling the code frequently.
  • Support for Real Device, Emulators and Simulators:  Appium helps to produce reliable test results and reduce testing time simultaneously by supporting real devices, emulators, and simulators.
  • Record and playback tool: Appium also provides a robust record and playback tool. While working with Appium, the testers can use Inspector to accelerate testing efforts through record and playback functionality.
  • Testing Framework: Appium is compatible with any testing framework.  Appium gives flexibility to mobility teams to use testing framework of their choice. Earlier, tests could only be written through Javascript using the UI Automation of library for Apple or Java based tests could only be written through UI Automator of Google. Appium completely changed this scenario.
  • Cloud Based Testing: It support cloud based testing, you can run your test scripts in the cloud using services such as Sauce Labs, BrowserStack and Testdroid.
  • Support for Built-in Apps: It provide support for built-in apps (phone, calendar, camera).
  • Continuous Integration: Appium integrates with continuous integration servers like Jenkins to ensure better results.
  • Community Support: Good Community Support